Monday, April 15, 2013

Hold the phone!!

While at home the other day, I was flipping through channels and found myself stopping on FOX news as they were just reporting a new story. I hesitated for a moment after reading the lower-third story line, it read about a man convicted of killing several babies! Not believing my eyes, I tuned in my ears and listened to see what happened or more how something like this could happen. An abortion clinic in Philadelphia, known as the "house of horrors", for years performed late-term abortions where the baby was reported to have been wailing and kicking. The news outlet talked mostly about the lack of coverage by other stations, more so than the actual story. The anchor said it was too gruesome and horrible for television. However, I also wondered why this was the first time I was hearing of this. It does not make sense when someone looks at the kind of coverage the Sandy Hook shooting got. These were innocent little babies, who had only taken one breath of life before having scissors stabbed into their spine. I hope this story gets out and becomes more of a topic of conversation for people. Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, this is an absolutely outrage that this has been allowed to happen and go unreported by most media. 

Link to online story:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Timeless and Unconventional

This past week the world said goodbye to a beloved fashionista and designer, Lilly Pulitzer. There are those out there that would argue that this is of no particular importance. In fact, some younger fans of the brand may not even realize that Lilly Pulitzer's brand went bankrupt sometime in the 80s until it was bought and brought back in the 90s, some years later. After hearing of one of my own personal favorite designers' death, I found a couple articles that described her former and more recent years. Turns out, there was a lot about this gal I personally didn't know. As conventionally preppy and feminine as her designs were, she was no cookie cutter herself. She happened upon her success randomly, which she soon lost control of. After a high profile marriage, she divorced and married one of her former husbands employees. Talk about some sass. Some would find this information out of character compared to the classy lady most people think of when they hear Lilly Pulitzer. I, oddly enough, have found more respect for the women. She found her success, did what she wanted, and continued after to live a happy life until her early 80s. Doesn't sound half bad to me!

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Wave of Feminism

With graduation not too far on the horizon, my thoughts persistently keep me in the future and unable to focus on what is presently right in front of me. However, good thing my mother has made it her personal duty to make sure I am on task with applications, emails, resume building, the whole nine yards. Part of her mission has now focused on me reading a book that has recently caught a lot of buzz. The book that has her so convinced would do me good is Sheryl Sandberg's book, "Lean In". I immediately thought it to be a pointless buy. I have never taken any real joy in reading self-help books. The only part of a self-help book that is ever of any help to anyone is always the introduction. The rest of the book, I find, repeats the intro a hundred times over again using different wording. Redundant . My stubbornness held until yesterday when I happened upon a Times magazine that was kept on our living room coffee table. This particular Times magazine featured Sandberg and was titled "Don't Hate Her Because She's Successful". Well, the title was interesting enough to me, so I flipped straight to the feature story and began reading facts and opinions, with a compelling idea of women leaning in and creating what Sandberg says is true equality in the work place. One of her more controversial points, is that women are partly to blame for the inequality currently happening in the work force. I was surprised as I continued to read that I agreed with much she had to say. Reading more about her cause was inspiring in itself. She is a feminist, realist, and opportunist with a good message for other females in my position, about to enter into the work force. Now, I have been swayed to invest in a copy of "Lean In" and hopping it is as good as it sounds.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tres Amigos

For this weeks assignment we were asked to take a mobile pic and upload it to our new blog. We are allowed to chose anything that we like or interests us. I chose to take a picture of me and my brothers, Joey (middle) and Christopher (right). We took a day this week to get out of our house and away from troubles and found ourselves having a blast and smiling. Their support and friendship is the most important thing to me and I love them both dearly.